The Fresh Produce and Floral Industry Needs a Farm Bill

Late last year, Congress extended the current 2018 Farm Bill for one year, set to expire on September 30, 2024.  Although this extension offers short-term support, it is critical that Congress takes action this year to enact a new, inclusive Farm Bill that meets the changing demands of U.S. agriculture.

Farm Bill policies and programs are essential for the fresh produce industry, as it provides resources for growers and producers and ensures stability in our food supply. To guarantee the industry's continued success, lawmakers must reauthorize a new, improved version of this legislation this year. With an upcoming election, time is running out. Contact your representatives to prioritize a new five-year Farm Bill.  

IFPA serves as co-chair of The Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance a national coalition of more than 200 organizations. The alliance was established to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop agriculture and improve the health of Americans by broadening the scope of U.S. agricultural public policy. Together we have submitted a comprehensive package of policy and program proposals to the U.S. Senate and House. Share your support by taking action.  

Farm Bill - Quick Facts

""The Federal Government pumps over $800M annually into fresh produce, shaping the entire supply chain!

""Over 80% of the Farm Bill's resources focus on nutrition, yet only 1 in 10 Americans meet dietary guidelines for fruits and veggies.

""While there are many farm bills, only Title X - Horticulture and Organic Agriculture is solely dedicated to support the specialty crop industry.

""Typically renewed about every 5 years. Since the 1930s, Congress has enacted 18 Farm Bills.

""Over $1B has fueled 11,000+ projects through Specialty Crop Block Grants, boosting marketing, research, and expanding markets at home and overseas.

Farm Bill Action Plan


A proportional allocation of Farm Bill resources to specialty crop priorities is essential for the competitiveness and sustainability of American agriculture and its communities. Increase funding for current research programs, including the Specialty Crop Research Initiative, Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, and Plant Protection Act Sec. 7721. 


Addressing the unique challenges the industry faces through new, innovative federal investments in research and innovation is crucial for overcoming industry challenges and enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. specialty crop sector. Include new R&D funding and a cost-share mechanism for mechanization that will help our industry navigate the ongoing workforce challenges.  


Expanding access and consumption of fruits and vegetables can address nutrition insecurity, build lifelong eating habits, and help address the nation’s overwhelming rates of diet related disease. Expanding fruit and vegetable consumption in the Farm Bill includes expansion of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, expanding the variety and volume of fresh produce in USDA’s procurement programs for food banks, and expanding access and consumption within the SNAP program.  


Federal risk management programs, such as crop insurance, are most effective for farmers cultivating row crops with annual harvest cycles, but they provide inadequate support for the fresh produce industry. Congress must direct to USDA to the development more and better crop insurance products for specialty crops.  


Many specialty crop growers cannot participate in key USDA programs like conservation cost-sharing and risk management programs for non-insured crops (e.g., NAP) due to limits on “adjusted gross income (AGI)”: limits designed to limit financial largess among commodity crops, but that instead unfairly preclude average specialty crop operations from participating in these core federal programs.

To learn more about Farm Bill Policy, please contact: 

Rebeckah F. Adcock

VP, U.S. Government Relations

+1 (202)303-3428
Sara Neagu Reed headshot

Sara L. Neagu-Reed

Director, Production & Environmental Policy 

+1 (202)303-3405

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