2024 Asia Fruit Logistica – IFPA Global Fresh Connections Reception

Education  & Networking Reception at
Asia Fruit Logistica

Don’t miss this opportunity to network and engage with leaders across the industry!


Logo of Asia Fruit Logistica event, featuring stylized fruit shapes within the letter ‘O’ in ‘LOGISTICA’, with event dates ‘4-6 September 2024’ on a white background.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Session 1: Global Fresh Produce Trade Flows in Asian Markets, 30 mins

Location: Asiafruit Business Forum - Asiafruit Knowledge Centre, Hall 5 – 5C11

Introduction by Patrick Vizzone, International Fresh Produce Association, and presentation by Jessica Keller, IFPA Vice President of Global Industry Relations, on trade flows and relevant consumer trends. 

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Session 2: Produce Marketing and Merchandising Global Insights, 30 mins

Location: Asiafruit Business Forum - Asiafruit Knowledge Centre, Hall 5 – 5C11

Panel discussion moderated by Ben Hoodless, Managing Director, IFPA Australia-New Zealand, featuring a panel of experts (in alpha order) to share their insights on marketing fresh produce.

  1. Adele Ackerman, Marketing Manager, Clemengold International
  2. Felicia Tao, Country Commercial Director, DFI Retail Group
  3. Patrick Vizzone, International Fresh Produce Association
  4. Claudia Soler, Executive Director of the Chilean Fruit Cherries Committee
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Session 3: Produce Marketing and Merchandising Focus on Asian Markets, 30 mins

Location: Asiafruit Business Forum

Building on the previous session, the panel will turn their focus on marketing and merchandizing for Asian markets.  

  1. Adele Ackerman, Marketing Manager, Clemengold International
  2. Felicia Tao, Country Commercial Director, DFI Retail Group
  3. Patrick Vizzone, International Fresh Produce Association

Thursday, September 5, 2024

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

IFPA Global Fresh Connections Reception 

Location: Grown in Good Nature Australia Pavilion (Hall 3, Site 3S02)

Join IFPA members and industry friends for an evening of good cheer. This is your opportunity to network with leaders within the IFPA community and make new business connections.

RSVP today.