Exhibitor Resources

Everything you need to plan a successful exhibit!

July 31-August 1, 2025 – Monterey, CA

Transparent Decorative Overlay

Badge Registration

Exhibitors receive 3 free Conference Booth Badges. These grant access to the general session, the Thursday networking reception, and the show floor during setup, expo and tear-down hours. Tickets for the Women's Fresh Perspectives Reception must be purchased separately.

Register Badges

How to Register Complimentary Badges:

  • Log into your IFPA account and click the blue "Register" button
  • Enter the names and details for your 3 free badges
  • At checkout, enter the discount code that was emailed to your booth contact on file to bypass payment
  • Your account will then default to a zero balance for your 3 free badges

You may purchase additional badges at the published attendee rate. If you buy additional badges for staff, they may only enter the floor during official expo hours.

You must register in advance of the show on your own personal electronic device. There will be no onsite registration kiosks, only badge pick-up will be available.

Operators, retailers and distributors register for free, so save your 3 badges for your team members or other customers.

Directory Listing

The online/mobile directory is THE resource used by buyers when deciding which booths to visit. Submit your promotional content early to maximize exposure, including a company description, product categories, collateral, logo, meeting availability, in-booth events (like sampling or demos), and virtual business cards.

Your primary booth contact can log into the exhibitor portal using their email address to set a password. They can also grant access to other users on their team.

Marketing Toolbox

IFPA is dedicated to helping you realize your goals at the Foodservice Conference & Expo, so we have compiled some tools and resources to help you do this. Additional tools are added throughout the year, so check back regularly.

Get Involved

Promote your company/booth via social media:

Maximize Your Visibility

  • Show off your new product/service in the Fresh Ideas Showcase. For just $850 for members, $1700 for non-members.
  • Participate in the Best of Show contest (all exhibitors are automatically entered) to win media exposure and first choice during next year's booth assignments. Take a look at the Best of Show tips from our judges to see how you can stand out as a winning exhibitor this year.
  • Sample your best dish at the expo to entice buyers to your booth and to be eligible for the Chef's Choice Award. This contest is designed to innovate the plate and excite the senses.
  • Download the official exhibitor e-signature to your emails and let everyone know you'll be there:

    Foodservice Conference 2025 I'm Exhibiting email signature
    Foodservice Conference 2025 I'm Attending email signature

Service Kit

Everything you need to plan your booth (order forms, shipping labels and logistical information) can be found in the Exhibitor Service Kit. The Service Kit will be available in April 2025.

Warning: While we do not share exhibitor contact information with unaffiliated 3rd parties, some may try to contact you and solicit business/trap you into contracts that they do not fulfill. Tricord is our official general services contractor for the show, and Spargo is our official housing bureau.

IFPA Foodservice Exhibitor Central Blog

Stay Informed! Exhibitor Central is the primary way IFPA communicates with exhibitors throughout the year and is the easiest way to stay up to date with expo information. 

Exhibiting for the first time? Sign up and choose the frequency of updates that work for you - never miss a deadline again. ​​​​​​

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Have any questions regarding these resources?

Kyle McMilan

Kyle McMillan

Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 607-2130
Nancy Pickersgill

Nancy Pickersgill

Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 781-5857