Sampling of exhibitors' product is permitted and encouraged at the expo.
The sampling guidelines below will provide you with the information needed to prepare samples independently in your booth or options to work with the Convention Center Caterer - Levy Restaurants.
Guidelines for Exhibitor Sampling
- Exhibitors may prepare and sample their own products or order from the convention center's exclusive catering provider. Everyone must submit the Sampling Authorization Form.
- If using Levy Catering, review the catering menu order form, fill it out and submit before Sept. 23. If you are using your own recipe, fill out and submit the recipe card with details and work directly with Levy.
- Samples are limited to a maximum of 2 oz (60 ml) of food, 4 oz (120 ml) of beverage.
- On average, exhibitors hand out 700-1,200 samples per day (quantities are dependent on size of booth and location).
- Food and/or beverage used as traffic promoters (e.g., coffee, sodas, bottled water) must be purchased from Levy.
- Selling food or drink on the show floor by exhibitors is prohibited.
- Catering supplies (ice, napkins, cutlery, etc.) can be ordered through Levy Restaurants.
- Staff serving or preparing samples must wear gloves. A sneeze guard/plexi divider should be used and the Onsite Food Sampling & Handling Guide should be followed.
- Cleaning stations will be available to exhibitors throughout the show floor.
Levy Convention Center Restaurants
Phone: +1 (404) 223-4500
You will find necessary information and forms required such as:
Sampling Authorization Form (required)
Catering Menu and Order Form
Catering Cooking/Equipment Form
Catering Recipe Card
Catering Storage Form
Catering Shipping Label
Fire Marshal/Heat Producing Devices
Cooking In Your Booth
- Review the Regulations for Cooking and Cooking Equipment and submit the form before September 23 if it applies to you.
- Cooking and food warming devices in exhibitor booths must follow all Fire Marshal Regulations.
- Portable fire extinguishers with a minimum of 2A10BC rating are to be placed within the booth, or an approved automatic extinguishing system shall be required.
- IFPA will arrange for fire watch if required by the Fire Marshal Regulations.
- Cooking devices must be separated from the public by at least four feet, or by a substantial barrier between the devices and the public.
- No kitchen facilities will be available for exhibitors to use. Levy Restaurants are available to exhibitors that require assistance with food and beverage cooking and sampling. All catering needs must be submitted by September 23 to ensure service and appropriate staff are available. A late fee may be added for any late orders.
- Levy offers dry, refrigerated and frozen storage for recipe product. This is separate from the product storage offered by GES, which will be brought out to your booth based on the shipping label used. There is a charge of US$175 per pallet per day and it must be reserved by Sept. 23.
Serving Alcohol in Your Booth
- Exhibitors must submit a request to serve alcohol form.
- Only Levy Restaurant bartenders are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Order alcohol services (bartenders are $240 per 4-hour minimum).
- Alcohol must be ordered in advance from Levy.
- Companies that manufacture their own alcohol must arrange to have their alcohol brought in through Levy distributors as per GA regulations.
- Alcoholic samples are limited to 1 oz. of distilled spirits, 2 oz. of wine and 4 oz. of beer.
Exhibitor Tips
- Keep your samples at a food safe temperature, order Refrigerated Display Cases early before they sell out.
- Pack catering product separate from booth and other perishable items, use catering shipping labels.
- Review the Perishable Products Shipping and Handling information for getting produce to the show.
- Contact our recommended and approved vendors:
- Produce Supplier for help with pre-show storage or sourcing your product.
- Perishable Product Shipping Provider for help transporting your product.
- Customs Freight Forwarder if you are shipping products internationally.

Kyle McMillan
Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

Nancy Pickersgill
Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association